About Us
from concept design to the boat of your dreams
About Us
La CompunaV, pasiunea pentru navigație, pescuit și excelența tehnică ne definesc. Suntem o companie mică, dar dedicată, specializată în oferirea de soluții complete pentru cei care iubesc apa, pescuitul și ambarcațiunile.
We focus on quality in everything we do, from naval design and architecture to the construction of recreational and fishing boats. Every project reflects our attention to detail, professionalism, and commitment to delivering products that combine aesthetics, functionality, and performance.
Our team consists of experienced specialists who understand the complexities of the naval industry and the needs of fishing and boating enthusiasts. We take pride in our personalized approach, working closely with clients to turn their vision into a perfectly tailored vessel.
Whether it's an innovative idea, a classic concept, or a boat equipped for fishing adventures, at CompunaV, we ensure that every vessel is built to last and provides unforgettable experiences on the water.
CompunaV – Where quality meets the passion for navigation and fishing.